The Novo Precision family of cut to length systems is designed to produce straightened, precisely cut, and close tolerance length pieces from wire, tubing or narrow strip material. Our Cut to Length Systems cut wire fast, accurate and leave clean, burr-free surfaces. Novo Cut to Length Machines can run a wide range of material with custom repeatable cut lengths.
These wire cutting machines are designed and produced by meticulous tool and die makers as a precision tool. These uniquely designed systems combine a front and rear stop with an anti-buckling guide for control and repeatability...stroke after stroke. These wire cut machines are engineered to feed fine wire and very long lengths with no buckling. Simple programming keys allow for pre-set quantities, speed control and total part runs. Give us a call or request a quote on page with any questions or for no obligation pricing.
Each style of Novo cutoff system offers a precision-crafted device that provides users with an extremely versatile machine
that is compact, easy to operate, and cost effective.
These cut to length machines are designed to provide versatility. Any combination of these points makes the systems easy to justify.
Every Novo cut to length machines are capable of providing close tolerance length cuts—some +/- .002”—as well as cut
ends that are clean, square, and burr free. If the system utilizes our precision-grade wire straighteners, the user is assured to get the straightest parts.
Novo offers a number of cut to length system options that provide extended performance characteristics for all the Novo wire cutting equipment. These options can be combined in any way to make the most effective configuration for the application.
Options include:
Our world class cut to length systems can also be oriented vertically. This can be found a lot when cutting very light small diameter material so that gravity can help the parts fall from the cutter and keep it clean. These cutting machines tend to have a smaller footprint leaving more available space on your shop floor.